Program Your Workouts and Trainings for Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide


  1. Understanding the Basics
  2. The Components of a Workout Plan
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Workout Plan
  4. Create Your Own Workout Plan: Checklist
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ
  7. Disclaimer

How to design a workout program for a client?


In the journey towards a healthier and fitter lifestyle, a well-structured workout plan can make all the difference. Here is a general guide for you to design your own workout program assignment and create personalized workout plans for your clients.

Whether you’re a professional trainer or someone who wants to optimize their own fitness routine, this step-by-step guide will provide you with the tools you need to design your own fitness program.

Let’s dive in and explore how to create your own workout plan that delivers real results.

design your own workout program assignment

1.Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of designing a workout plan, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the foundational principles of exercise programming, so that you can build your own training program for your clients.

Here’s a brief overview:

What is Exercise Programming?

Exercise programming involves creating a systematic and progressive plan that outlines the type, intensity, duration, and frequency of workouts to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. This plan considers factors such as a person’s fitness level, goals, preferences, and any potential limitations.

Recommended reading: “Top 8 Books for Personal Trainers on Exercise Programming

2. The Components of a Workout Plan

A comprehensive workout plan generally includes the following components:


Resistance Training:

This focuses on building strength training muscle strength and endurance through exercises like weightlifting, bodyweight movements, and resistance bands.


Cardiovascular Training:

Also known as cardio, this type of training improves cardiovascular fitness and burns calories. It includes activities like running, swimming, and cycling.


Rest and Recovery:

Adequate rest is crucial for muscle recovery and overall well-being. It’s an integral part of any effective workout plan. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, consulting with a fitness professional can help tailor your program for optimal results.


Flexibility and Mobility:

Stretching exercises and mobility drills enhance joint range of motion and prevent injuries. Fitness professional guidance can be invaluable in ensuring proper technique.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Design Your Own Workout Program Assignment

Now that we have a solid foundation, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of designing a personalized workout program design for your clients.

design your own fitness program

Step 1: Assess Your Client's Goals and Abilities

Long-term success in achieving full-body fitness requires a methodical approach.

Assess Your Client’s Goals and Abilities sets the stage for a personalized workout plan that aligns with their aspirations and sets them on the path to long-term success.

Before diving into the specifics to design your own training program, it’s crucial to establish a strong foundation by thoroughly assessing your client’s goals and abilities.

This initial step lays the groundwork for a tailored and effective fitness journey. 

Here’s how to approach this vital stage:

  • Thorough Discussion: Engage in an open and detailed conversation with your client. This discussion should encompass their fitness aspirations, expectations, and the outcomes they hope to achieve through their workout plan.

    Encourage them to express their goals with clarity, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, increased endurance, or overall fitness enhancement.

  • Preferences and Limitations: Understand your client’s preferences when it comes to exercise styles, activities they enjoy, and those they might not find appealing. Additionally, be attentive to any medical considerations or limitations they might have, such as injuries, chronic conditions, or allergies. 

    This information will allow you to create a plan that accommodates their needs while promoting safety.

  • Defining Goals: Help your client define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This clarity will not only guide the design of the workout plan but also provide your client with a clear sense of direction and motivation throughout their fitness journey.

  • Fitness Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive fitness assessment to gauge your client’s current fitness level. This assessment could include tests for cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition.

    By understanding their baseline fitness, you’ll be better equipped to design a plan that challenges them appropriately without risking injury.


By dedicating time to thoroughly assessing your client’s goals, preferences, limitations, and current fitness level, you’re setting the stage for a personalized workout plan that aligns with their aspirations and sets them on the path to long term success.

Remember, the more comprehensive your understanding, the better equipped you’ll be to create a plan that yields tangible and sustainable results.

Step 2: Choose the Right Exercises

When you design your own workout program assignment, the selection of exercises is a critical aspect that directly influences the effectiveness of the program. This step involves carefully curating exercises that are tailored to your client’s goals, capabilities, and preferences.


Here’s a breakdown of how to proceed:

  • Assess Goals and Abilities: Begin by revisiting the goals your client aims to achieve through their fitness journey. Whether it’s building muscle, enhancing cardiovascular endurance, or improving overall fitness, the exercise selection should align with these objectives. Additionally, consider your client’s physical abilities and any limitations they might have due to past injuries or medical conditions.

  • Target Muscle Groups and Outcomes: With the goals and abilities in mind, opt for exercises that specifically target the muscle groups relevant to the desired outcomes. If muscle hypertrophy (growth) is the aim, focus on exercises that engage those muscle groups prominently. Alternatively, if functional strength is the priority, compound movements that involve multiple muscle groups working in harmony can be advantageous.

  • Incorporate Variety: To keep the workout plan engaging and prevent plateaus, it’s essential to introduce variety in exercise selection. This can be achieved by incorporating a mix of compound movements and isolation exercises. Compound movements, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, offer comprehensive muscle engagement and overall functional benefits. Isolation exercises, on the other hand, isolate specific muscles for targeted development and refinement.

  • Consider Preferences: Taking your client’s preferences into account can contribute to their overall adherence and motivation. Discuss the types of exercises they enjoy or are curious to try and incorporate these preferences while ensuring they align with fitness goals.

  • Balance and Progression: Maintaining a balance between various types of exercises is key. Integrate pushing and pulling movements, as well as exercises that work different planes of motion. As your client progresses, the exercises can be adjusted to introduce more complexity or intensity gradually.


Incorporating these considerations into your exercise selection process will result in a well-rounded workout plan that caters to your client’s goals, abilities, and preferences. 

Remember, the right exercises form the foundation for a successful fitness journey.

Step 3: Determine Training Frequency

Determine Training Frequency

Training frequency is a critical component in crafting a well-rounded fitness program, as it directly influences the amount of time your clients should invest in training sessions each week.

This aspect holds the key to their fitness success and is contingent on a blend of factors, such as their specific fitness goals , daily availability , and individual recovery capacity.


Let’s delve deeper into this crucial step:

Goals : Customizing the training volume to align with your clients’ goals is paramount. Whether they aim for weight loss, muscle gain, improved cardiovascular fitness, or overall health, different objectives may necessitate varying training frequencies for optimal results.


Availability : Take into account your clients’ busy schedules and commitments. It’s essential to devise a plan that seamlessly integrates into their daily routines, without overwhelming them. Striking a harmonious balance between workouts and work, family, and other responsibilities is pivotal for long-term commitment.


Recovery Capacity : Recognize that each person’s body has a distinct recovery capacity . Age, fitness level, sleep quality, and nutrition are among the factors influencing this capacity. Ensuring adequate recovery time not only facilitates progress but also reduces the risk of burnout or overtraining.


For those who are newcomers to fitness or have limited prior experience, initiating with 3-4 training days per week is a prudent approach. 

This frequency strikes an equilibrium between providing an adequate stimulus for progress and affording ample time for recovery.

Keep in mind that beginners might necessitate more recovery time between sessions as their bodies adapt to the demands of exercise.

Determining the appropriate times a week for training involves a delicate balance of goals , availability , and recovery capacity.

By comprehending these factors, you can design your own workout program assignment that sets your clients on the path to fitness success.

Step 4: Plan the Weekly Split

Dividing the training week effectively is a crucial aspect of any well-rounded workout plan. This step ensures that you provide balanced attention to various muscle groups while allowing ample time for recovery. 


Here’s how to approach it:

Choose a Training Split:

Determine how you’ll allocate your training days across different muscle groups or movement patterns. This helps prevent overtraining and promotes balanced muscle development. 


Common training splits include:

  • Upper Body/Lower Body Split: Alternating between workouts that target the upper body muscles and the lower body muscles. This split allows for focused attention on each area.

  • Push/Pull Split: Separating exercises that involve pushing movements (like chest presses and shoulder presses) from those involving pulling movements (like rows and pull-ups). This balances muscle stress and reduces strain on specific muscle groups.

  • Full-Body Workouts: Engaging in a full-body workout in each session. This can be effective for beginners or those with limited time for exercise.

  • Rest and Recovery:  Ensure that you incorporate sufficient rest between training sessions that target the same muscle group. Adequate rest is essential for muscle repair and growth. For instance, if you perform an intense chest workout, allow at least 48 hours before targeting the chest muscles again.

This approach minimizes the risk of overuse injuries and optimizes muscle development.

Remember, the key to a successful weight training split lies in finding the right balance between stimulating muscle growth and allowing ample time for recovery. 

Listen to your body, monitor your progress, and be prepared to adjust your training split as needed to ensure continued progress and overall well-being.

Step 5: Set Reps and Sets

Set Reps and Sets

Determining the appropriate number of sets and repetitions for each exercise is a critical aspect of creating an effective workout plan. This step helps you tailor the intensity and volume of the training to match your client’s goals and fitness level.

When setting reps and sets, consider the following:

  • Muscle Hypertrophy: For those aiming to build muscle mass, incorporating 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions is a common strategy. This range optimizes the tension placed on the muscles and encourages growth over time. The moderate weight and higher reps stimulate muscle fibers and contribute to muscle development.
  • Muscular Endurance: If your client’s primary goal is to enhance their muscular endurance, you might opt for 2-3 sets of higher repetitions, typically ranging from 15-20 reps. This approach challenges the muscles to sustain contractions for an extended period, improving their ability to withstand fatigue during activities that require prolonged effort.


Balancing the number of sets and repetitions is vital to prevent overtraining or underloading the muscles. 

It’s essential to tailor these variables to your client’s fitness level, ensuring that they experience an appropriate level of challenge without risking injury or burnout.

By customizing this aspect of the workout plan, you set the foundation for effective and goal-oriented training sessions.

Step 6: Adjust Intensity

Adjusting the intensity of your workout plays a crucial role in achieving optimal results while minimizing the risk of injury. Intensity refers to the level of effort exerted during each set of exercises. 

Striking the right balance is essential – you want the intensity to be challenging enough to stimulate progress, but not so strenuous that it leads to overexertion or potential harm.



Tips for Adjusting Intensity:

  • Progressive Overload: One effective technique is progressive overload, where you gradually increase the resistance, weight, or workload over time. This progressive challenge encourages muscle growth and adaptation, leading to improved strength and performance.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to how your body responds during each workout. While some discomfort is expected during challenging exercises, avoid pushing yourself to the point of pain. Discomfort should be manageable and within your limits.

  • Use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE): RPE is a subjective scale that helps you gauge how hard you’re working. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very light and 10 being maximum effort, aim for an RPE of around 7-8 for most exercises. This ensures you’re pushing yourself appropriately without risking injury.

  • Modify Repetition and Set Count: You can adjust intensity by altering the number of repetitions and sets. Increasing the number of sets can enhance the challenge, while adjusting the repetitions can target different aspects of muscle development.

  • Incorporate Rest-Pause Sets: Rest-pause sets involve performing a few repetitions, taking a short break, and then completing additional repetitions. This technique can increase intensity while allowing brief recovery periods.


Remember, maintaining proper form and technique is paramount, even when increasing intensity. 

If you’re unsure about how to adjust the intensity of your workout safely and effectively, consider working with a fitness professional who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your goals and fitness level.

Step 7: Include Cardio and Flexibility Work

Include Cardio and Flexibility Work

Incorporating cardiovascular training and flexibility exercises into your workout plan is essential for a well-rounded fitness routine. 

By dedicating time to both aspects, you enhance your overall health and help prevent injuries. 


Here’s how you can effectively integrate cardio and flexibility work into your plan:

Cardiovascular Training:

Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is crucial for improving your heart health, stamina, and calorie burn. Depending on your fitness goals, you can choose from various cardio activities that suit your preferences and physical condition. 


Consider the following:

  • Running or Jogging: A classic and effective way to boost cardiovascular fitness.

  • Cycling: Whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, cycling provides a low-impact cardio option.

  • Swimming: Ideal for a full-body workout that is easy on the joints.

  • Jump Rope: A portable and efficient way to get your heart rate up.

  • Aerobic Classes: Joining classes like Zumba, dance, or kickboxing adds a fun and social element to cardio.


Flexibility Exercises:

Maintaining flexibility is crucial for preventing injuries, improving posture, and enhancing overall mobility. Dedicate time to stretching and mobility exercises that target various muscle groups. Here are some effective options:

  • Static Stretching: Hold stretches for 15-30 seconds, focusing on major muscle groups like hamstrings, quadriceps, and chest.

  • Dynamic Stretching: Incorporate controlled movements that mimic the exercises you’ll be performing.

  • Yoga: Engage in yoga sessions to enhance flexibility, balance, and relaxation.

  • Foam Rolling: Use a foam roller to release tension in muscles and improve range of motion.

  • Mobility Drills: Perform exercises that emphasize joint mobility, such as hip circles, shoulder rotations, and ankle mobility work.


Remember, including both cardiovascular training and flexibility exercises can provide a balanced approach to your workout routine. 

Allocating time for a 20–30-minute session of moderate-intensity cardio and a dedicated period for stretching or mobility drills after each workout can significantly contribute to your overall fitness progress.

Step 8: Plan Progression

Regularly updating and progressing your workout plan is a crucial aspect of achieving sustained results and preventing plateaus. 

As clients adapt to their routines, their bodies become more efficient, which can lead to diminished progress. 

To counteract this, it’s essential to implement a strategy that challenges their muscles and keeps their motivation levels high.


Here’s how to effectively plan progression:

  • Gradual Increases: Progression doesn’t mean jumping from one extreme to another overnight. Gradually increase the intensity of workouts by making small adjustments over time. This approach prevents overwhelming the body and reduces the risk of injury.

  • Weights and Resistance: One of the most straightforward ways to progress is by increasing the weights or resistance used in exercises. Gradually adding weight ensures that the muscles are continually stimulated to grow and adapt.

  • Repetitions and Sets: Another method is to adjust the number of repetitions and sets. As your clients become more proficient in their exercises, consider increasing the number of repetitions or sets to challenge them further.

  • Intensity Techniques: Incorporating intensity techniques like drop sets, supersets, and rest-pause sets can provide a new stimulus to the muscles. These techniques can lead to greater muscle fatigue and growth.

  • Varying Exercises: Introduce variations of exercises to work slightly different muscle fibers or engage different stabilizer muscles. This not only keeps workouts interesting but also prevents overuse injuries.

  • Tracking Progress: Regularly track your clients’ progress by keeping records of their lifts, times, or other relevant metrics. This objective data can help guide your progression decisions.

  • Communication: Maintain open communication with your clients about their perceived level of exertion, fatigue, and any changes they’re experiencing. Adjust the plan based on their feedback to ensure it remains challenging yet manageable.


Progression should be a consistent and thoughtful process that aligns with the client’s goals, abilities, and timeline. 

By strategically implementing these progression strategies, you’ll not only avoid plateaus but also provide a continuous sense of accomplishment that keeps your clients engaged and motivated to achieve their fitness goals.

Step 9: Educate and Motivate

One of the key aspects to design your own workout program assignment is to ensure that your clients are not just going through the motions, but truly understanding the purpose and significance of their efforts. 

Educating and motivating your clients can make a substantial difference in their adherence and dedication to the program.


Here’s how you can approach this step:

  • Explain the Rationale: Take the time to break down the workout plan for your clients. Clearly communicate why each exercise is included, how it contributes to their goals, and how it fits into the overall structure of the program.

    When clients comprehend the rationale behind their training regimen, they’re more likely to feel invested in the process.

  • Personalization: Tailor your explanations to your clients’ individual goals and preferences. For example, if a client aims to build muscle, explain how certain exercises target specific muscle groups for hypertrophy.

    If another client is focused on cardiovascular health, elaborate on how cardio sessions enhance endurance and calorie burn to lose weight.

  • Highlight Progress: Continuously emphasize the progress your clients are making. Regularly show them how they’re advancing in terms of strength, endurance, or other relevant parameters.

    This reinforcement not only boosts their confidence but also underscores the effectiveness of the program.

  • Provide Real-Life Context: Relate the workout plan to their daily lives.

    Help them see how the increased energy and strength gained from the program can enhance their activities outside the gym, whether it’s playing with their children, hiking, or simply having more productive days at work.

  • Set Achievable Milestones: Break down their long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones.

    Celebrate each milestone reached, creating a sense of accomplishment that fuels their motivation to keep going.


When clients are well-informed about the “why” behind their workouts, they develop a stronger connection to their fitness journey. 

They begin to view exercise not just as a chore, but as a meaningful and transformative experience that aligns with their aspirations.

By weaving education and motivation into your approach, you empower your clients to stay committed, stay focused, and ultimately achieve the results they desire. 

Remember, you’re not just guiding them through physical exercises – you’re guiding them towards a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

Step 10: Monitor and Adapt

Monitor and Adapt Your Fitness Training

One of the key aspects of creating an effective and successful workout plan is the ongoing process of monitoring and adaptation. 

As your client progresses through their fitness journey, it’s important to regularly assess their development and make the necessary adjustments to ensure continued growth and optimal results. 


Here’s how you can effectively monitor and adapt the workout plan:

  • Regular Progress Tracking: Establish a system to track your client’s progress. This could include measurements like weight, body composition, strength levels, endurance, and other relevant metrics.

    Regular assessments provide valuable insights into their achievements and areas that might need improvement.

  • Observation and Feedback: Keep a keen eye on your client’s performance during workouts. Are they managing the prescribed weights and repetitions comfortably, or do they seem to struggle?

    Are they showing signs of improved form and technique?

    Encourage open communication and gather feedback about their experience, any challenges they face, and their overall satisfaction with the program.

  • Adjustments Based on Progress: Analyze the data gathered from progress tracking and observation.

    If you notice consistent improvements, you might consider gradually increasing the intensity, weights, or repetitions to ensure a continuous challenge.

    On the other hand, if progress stalls or plateaus, it might be time to switch up the exercises or adjust the training variables.

  • Tailoring to Individual Responses: Remember that each individual responds differently to exercise. Some might see rapid gains, while others may require more time.

    Adapt the plan according to your client’s unique response, keeping their comfort and safety in mind.

  • Addressing Plateaus: Plateaus are a natural part of any fitness journey. When progress slows down, it’s essential to have strategies in place to overcome these periods.

    This could involve implementing different training techniques, modifying the training split, or even incorporating active rest phases.


A well-designed workout plan is not static; it’s a dynamic tool that evolves with the client’s changing fitness levels, goals, and responses. 

By staying engaged in their progress and being proactive about adaptation, you can ensure that your clients continue to make consistent strides toward their desired outcomes. 

Remember, the journey to fitness is ongoing, and your dedication to monitoring and adapting will play a vital role in their success.

Create Your Own Workout Plan: Checklist

To help you stay organized and ensure you cover all the essential aspects of designing a workout plan, here’s a handy checklist:


[ ] Assess Goals: Understand the client’s fitness goals and preferences.

[ ] Exercise Selection: Choose exercises that align with the goals and target specific muscle groups.

[ ] Training Frequency: Decide how often the client will train each week.

[ ] Weekly Split: Plan the division of training days and muscle groups.

[ ] Reps and Sets: Set the number of repetitions and sets for each exercise.

[ ] Intensity: Determine the level of effort for each set.

[ ] Cardio and Flexibility: Allocate time for cardiovascular and flexibility training.

[ ] Progression: Plan how the client will progress over time.

[ ] Education: Explain the rationale and benefits of the workout plan.

[ ] Monitoring: Keep track of client progress and make adjustments as needed.


To design your own workout program assignment requires careful consideration of the client’s goals, abilities, and preferences. 

By following this step-by-step guide and utilizing the checklist, you can create effective and engaging workout plans that lead to tangible results.

Remember, the journey to fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay patient, stay committed, and keep adapting your plan to ensure long-term success.

Now, armed with the knowledge to create your own workout plan, go ahead, and empower your clients to achieve their fitness aspirations!


Designing a personalized workout program involves setting clear fitness goals, balancing cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises, starting gradually, integrating daily physical activity, diversifying workouts, trying HIIT, allowing for recovery, and keeping a written plan. Consistency is vital for success; adjust as needed and consult professionals for guidance.

Here’s What a Perfectly Balanced Weekly Workout Schedule Looks Like:

Monday: Upper-body strength training (45 to 60 minutes)
Tuesday: Lower-body strength training (30 to 60 minutes)
Wednesday: Yoga or a low-impact activity such as barre, light cycling, or swimming (30 to 60 minutes)
Thursday: HIIT (20 minutes)
Friday: Total-body strength training (30 to 60 minutes)
Saturday: Steady-state cardio (running or cycling for as long as feels comfortable for you)
Sunday: Rest

Resource: Shape

Creating a Workout Template in Canva: Quick Guide

1. Open Canva and log in or sign up.
2. Search for “Workout planners” in Canva’s search bar.
3. Choose a template that suits your fitness program.
4. Personalize the template with your exercise details and preferences.
5. Customize colors, fonts, and layout to match your style.
6. Ensure the template is clear and organized for easy use.
7. Save your template in your preferred format (PDF, JPEG, PNG) or on Canva for future edits.

Now you have a personalized workout template ready to support your fitness journey. Keep it updated as your program evolves.

Resource: Canva

  1. Nike Training Club – This app is free and offers a variety of workouts for different fitness levels. It also has personalized training plans and allows users to track their progress.
  2. FitOn – This app offers live classes and personalized workout plans. It also has a social aspect that allows users to connect with friends and trainers.
  3. Gymshark Training – This app is great for those who prefer to work out solo. It offers personalized workout plans and video demonstrations of exercises.
  4. Apple Fitness Plus – This app offers a variety of workouts, including yoga, strength training, and HIIT. It also integrates with Apple Watch to track metrics like heart rate and calories burned.
  5. Peloton – This app offers live and on-demand classes for cycling, running, strength training, and more. It also has a community aspect that allows users to connect with others.
  6. Sweat – This app offers personalized workout plans and nutrition guidance. It also has a community aspect that allows users to connect with others.
  7. EvolveYou – This app offers personalized workout plans and nutrition guidance. It also has a social aspect that allows users to connect with friends and trainers.
  8. Centr – This app offers personalized workout plans, nutrition guidance, and mindfulness exercises. It also has a community aspect that allows users to connect with others.
  9. Gym Workout Planner & Tracker – This app allows users to customize their workout plans and track their progress. It also has a timer feature that lets users know when to begin the next set.

Overall, the best workout planner app for you will depend on your fitness goals, preferences, and budget. It’s a good idea to try out a few different apps to see which one works best for you.

1. Muscle and Strength 
3. Muscle and Fitness 
4. PureGym 
5. Lean with Lilly
6. Shape
7. Verywell Fit 
8. SELF 

Explore these online sources to find the perfect workout program tailored to your goals and preferences. Consistency is key on your fitness journey, so choose a program that aligns with your objectives and get ready to transform your health and well-being.


The content presented in this article is meant for general informational purposes and should not be taken as a replacement for professional medical or fitness advice. 

It’s important to consult a qualified healthcare professional or fitness expert before embarking on any new exercise program or making significant changes to your current routine.

Engaging in physical activities and exercise programs carries inherent risks, and the exercises and recommendations provided here might not be suitable for everyone.

 Individual fitness levels, medical history, and any existing health conditions need to be considered before implementing any workout plan.

Seeking personalized guidance from a qualified expert is crucial to tailor advice according to your individual needs. 

By choosing to follow the information in this article, you acknowledge and assume responsibility for any associated risks and potential consequences, with AI Web Fitness disclaiming liability for any injuries or damages that may occur. 

Always prioritize your safety and well-being and seek immediate professional help if you encounter any discomfort or unusual symptoms during exercise.